I was planning to stop working this year at age of 57, since life is short and you never now when will be over. I planed to move to Hungary the second part of this year after 30 years in Canada. And now, with this war going on I am not so sure if this is going to happen as planned and I just hope this won’t get any worse before it gets better. I cant comprehend something like this is happening in Europe in the XXI st century. So so sad. I hope it is not an issue if I wrote in English, my Romanian writing is not so good anymore.
O culegere de frământări:
Frământări #12
O piatra la rinichi. 🙂 ...
Frământări #11
Simptomele depresiei netratate corespunzator, dupa un eveniment neplacut cauzat de efecte adverse ale medicamentelor ...
Frământări #10
Nu stiu ce sa fac cu viata mea ...
Frământări #09
Ma framanta ca nu pot sa fac nimic ce imi place si imi doresc, din cauza lipsei crunte de energie ...
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