30 Seconds of Fame

Lansat: 16 martie 2013
Catalog ref.: 160705-2
Format: CD


I am more than a song
You hummed one day
When the sky was bright,
I move the air around,
Caress your ears,
Elevate your flight…

I’m chasing my prey
In a crazy ballet,
Gnashing my teeth, I search underneath,
I have to play till the last day,
I’m not a poser!

One step at a time, my partner in crime,
I give you all, I just need a small
Metaphor, rhyme, lost paradigm,
I’m closer…

I’m stretching my nerves, cutting the curves,
Filling the holes with ancient scrolls,
My universe grumbles and stirs
Although I’m sober,

I’m ready to shake, ready to take
Uncertain ways in this bloody maze
Give me a break, I’ll stay awake

Till it’s over!

Windows are shut tight,
Curtains are drawn,

Crackles in the chimney,
Words almost whispered…

Outside, the ravaging storm
Is whipping the walls,
Old valleys are howling,
The temple is standing still
While the world’s wrath crawls,
Covered in steam on a rocky slope,

Burning coal pulsates,
The floors are sweating

Here are my bones,
This is my skin:
Here I am,
Trying hard to fit between.

Ribcage and collarbones,
Cranial vault,
There’s no escaping
My cells and walls.

As the creaks are getting loud
I keep dreaming of a backup cloud:
Such a pity it should end
Being stuck into this Legoland…

Tendons and muscle
Keeping me bound –
Such a lousy way
To crawl around…

Look through my windows
Behind the screen:
Lines of code
In a fragile machine.

As the colors start to fade,
I keep wishing for a full upgrade.
Would you try to comfort me
And forget I’m only chemistry?

Only a spark,
Only a spark…

If you comb through this fluff,
Searching every crack,
If you see through this bluff,
Should you peel it all back,
If you look close enough
I am only a spark,
Hopeful for light
But expecting the dark.

My spirit is anointed with self-esteem,
So why shouldn’t I cross the T’s and dot the I’s?
I’ll keep you over the brink till you figure this is not a dream
And you give up waiting for the stars to align.

The merchants on the streets are selling their very souls,
But there are no buyers during this depression…
The communists are eating from Tibetan singing bowls,
While the fallen angel attends his first confession…

And I walk a chalk line…

You spend too many hours in your hammock by the sea,
Lazing in the sunlight, smoking king-size cigarettes,
You act like there’s nothing wrong, sipping from your ice tea,
Your country’s sold, but you have no debts!

And I walk a chalk line…

There is no turning back, the lighthouse is on fire,
I’ll pack this bloody suitcase and I’ll be on my way,
The aliens are sweating, building an empire,
And you calmly order one more of those frappés…

And I walk a chalk line…

War will stop, you’ll see, and everybody will
Celebrate live on TV, you know what?
The devil will commit some kind of suicide!
The Africans will eat Italian cuisine
And happiness will only be routine
The pain will stop and a good old bop will shake the dancefloor
But it ain’t gonna happen today…
It ain’t gonna happen!

Money will disappear and all the rich guys
Will work the land as volunteers,
And Wall Street suddenly will care about the whole mankind.
W. will drive an electric car
And the Pope’s gonna put his faith in a jar
The pain will stop and a good old bop will shake the dancefloor
But it ain’t gonna happen today…
It ain’t gonna happen!

There’ll be no wars, no soldiers,
No guns, no murders,
No politics to blame.
There’ll be no lies, no priests,
No fear, no beasts,
There’ll be no filthy games.
No rulers, no rules,
No villains, no fools,
No prisons, no escapes.
There’ll be no wrong, no right,
No black, no white,
And freedom’s gonna get a real face
But it ain’t gonna happen today…
It ain’t gonna happen!

This is where it all began:
We started to play the old game again,
When the cards came out I knew
You were trying to hide who you were
But you didn’t fool anyone,

When the lights began to flow
I knew I had to play the same old role.
Couldn’t bear to see you trying,
Pretending you had no doubts
But you were lying to everyone,

It was your smile the one who taught me how to kneel
– The brand new wonder –
‘T was like you always knew precisely how I’d feel,
You didn’t ponder,
My thoughts you seemed to hear,
Embarrassed, I
Began to fear you.

Even if it was hardly fair
I played my old maneuver in a state of despair.
The cards were all different kinds
But the art of bluffing’s distorting our minds,
So everyone thought I was the one,
But I was not…

They’ve built a big hotel in the garden of Eden,
On top a lounge with trees, apples and cheese,
Where nothing’s forbidden!
The heroes are at the gym to please the new designer,
And there’s a grimy and worn, lost unicorn
Begging for scraps at the diner

Sometimes life is like watching cartoons
A surrealistic collage,
Humming the silliest tunes,
Bewitched by a stunning mirage…
Bewildered, I’m stumbling around,
Fooled by colours and lights,
The homeless is finally crowned,
And I’m gonna be one of his knights!

Between two rivers of joy there is a fountain of grief,
And here, a bloody trace to the killer’s place,
But there is no relief…
The white rabbit pretends he doesn’t know any queen,
The hatter sips his tea near the sea reading a men’s magazine

The fairies and fauns are dancing inside the cathedral,
The Lord is pleased – his work is finally fine!
Disobedient sensitive meets the prudent cerebral
The posture’s serene but the eyes surely shine

We like to think we are
Controlling our own lives,
We believe we’re open minded,
But we’ll only trust our eyes,
We rely on the illusion
There is someone on call out there,
Someone we can count on,
Someone who’s always aware…

We always fight for freedom
– A notion we don’t understand –
We don’t like to pay attention,
Diversion is our only demand,
Everyday we fantasize about
The life we could have had,
Sleepwalkers crawling on the streets,
Dreaming about their warm bed…

We’re terrified there’s no one
Behind the curtain in this show,
We’re ready to go on believing
We’re somewhere over the rainbow,
We fool ourselves we know a lot
About our selfish lives
And we assume that heaven
Is somewhere in the skies…

I’ve been here for so long,
Don’t know where I’m going
Or where I came from:
My mind is daily throwing
Memories apart,
My words are slightly slowing –
If you look at me you’ll see that
Inside I’m glowing!

I’ve been trying so damn hard
To be what you want me to be,
I couldn’t stand a chance,
Life was draining out of me,
I was vanishing
Into this greyish sea…
Now I’m not moving a muscle, dear,
But inside I’m free!

I’ve had enough of these puppeteers
Building their bravery with our fears!
I’ve been hanging around all these years,
I think it’s time to move along…

Sitting all day long,
I’m tired of waiting for
A miracle to come
Knocking on my door.
I open up my eyes,
Press my soles against the floor:
I might seem a little rusty to you,
But I’m going to war!

I think I’ve lived this day before
Or maybe I just dreamed about…
My rebellion was nothing more
Than a string I cannot move without…

I’ve had enough of these puppeteers
Building their bravery with our fears!
I’ve been hanging around all these years,
I think it’s time to move along…
You better stop wasting my time,
I won’t engage in pantomime.
I don’t need to play a role
To fill your empty goddamn hole!

It’s coming from upstairs –
A little chemical thought
Releasing the feeling you need to stay alive.
Revolving around you, the world
Is looking shiny when you smile,
The trees turn into stones when you feed your black dog.

Feeling the urge to embrace the air
A long time no see friend who’s been around –
Closing your fists, a proof of will,
Trying to move the mountains with a sound.

It’s all up to you, it’s all up to you…

Sometimes, downstairs,
A little fight against the change –
They always need the same regime to cheat their emptiness.
Telling a lie –
The trick can be swallowed by the nerves,
So let’s go back to the beginning of time!

The wire is tight and the need is walking on it,
The perfect balance and a gap to make the feelings fit,
The scratch on the roof of your mouth
You’re not allowed to touch
And you can’t control your tongue
‘Cause it wants it so much…

We built huge temples to keep our fear out the door,
The dark is crawling near the walls drawing shadows to hide…
We filled our most precious books with interdictions and laws
And promised ourselves a fabulous life on the other side…

We made up habits and rites, we often knelt and prayed, polite,
To the air around, the walls, the ground, to be heaven-insured…
We hope we’ll pass the fear we’ve lived with all these years,
Singing some dull, absurdly long chorale, hoping there is a cure…

What if there’s nothing more?
What if this is all we’ve got
And we’re wasting our precious time preparing for nothing?
Are we really so afraid?
Do we need all this masquerade?
We have to face the fact that we don’t know anything…

We managed to kill our brothers for they had other beliefs,
We completely forgot where we all came from
And now we think we’re different!

We burned the curious at the stake,
We condemned the devil and the snake
For our weakness when we broke the rules
We made up ourselves…

I swear to you, we’ll make it,
Just take a sip and let me drive this car,
There’s a god of the stoned who wouldn’t let us break it,
This incredible journey is under the radar.

Don’t worry about anything in the whole universe,
Tomorrow we’ll laugh about today,
Anxiety will just make the travel worse,
I promise nothing will stand in our way!

You’d better play with your ticktocks,
Get yourself a beat, give your heart some shocks,
You’d better mock this very sec’,
You wear your woes wrapped around your neck.

Just pass the bottle, I need someone to save me
My mouth and throat are impossibly dry
I wish it was summer and we were heading to the sea,
I miss her eyes reflecting the sky…

Running to the border
Of our consciousness’s disorder
Our vision extends
To the beauty of the sunrise,
Saying our last goodbyes,
And time suspends…
Breaking into pieces
Finally releases
The tensions we’ve stored.
The survivors will have to
Light some candles for those whom
They once adored…

My dreams became little songs
Flying around the room,
Dancing all day long…

Resonant sounds
Hanging from the ceiling,
Making my heart beat again,

My sense of emotion,
Swimming in the ocean
Of uncertainty,
Making me feel



Al patrulea album de studio byron este primul bilingv (varianta în limba română se numește „30 de secunde de faimă”). Mare parte din cele 13 piese au fost compuse de către Dan Byron în februarie 2012 în timpul unei competiții care cerea participanților să compună și să înregistreze un album de 10 piese într-o lună. Toate piesele au fost inițial compuse în limba engleză, traducerea în română fiind făcută ulterior de 6fingers cu ajutorul lui Dan Byron. Pe acest nou album trupa prezintă un sound foarte divers, experimentând cu diferite elemente electronice dar păstrând în același timp o abordare acustică pe unele piese cheie.

Muzică: Dan Byron, cu excepția pieselor „I, Human” (6fingers) și „The Puppet” (Costin Oprea)
Înregistrat, mixat și masterizat de Victor Panfilov la Real Sound & Vision, asistat de Dan Georgescu
Grafica – 6fingers

Dan Byron – voci, chitară acustică, flaut, programare
6fingers – pian, clape, glockenspiel
Costin Oprea – chitară electrică
Laszlo Demeter – bass electric, fretless şi acustic
Dan Georgescu – tobe şi percuţii

Invitați speciali: Alexander Bălănescu (vioară), Luiza Zan (voci backing)

Cu: Petre Ionuţescu (trompetă), Mircea Mutulescu (oboi), Mihai Boboescu (fagot), Pablo Hopenhayn & Juan Ignacio Emme – Esession Strings (coarde), 6fingers (voce groaznică pe 3). Corul amator de pe 6 a fost înregistrat la Clubul Ţăranului la Impromptu 6 pe 16 ianuarie 2013.

30 Seconds of Fame
